QR Code Nameplates Makes Knowing Plants More Interesting

Lushan Botanic Garden of Lushan Global Geopark was named San Yi Xiang Basin-firn geologically. This firn basin was named by J. S. Lee, a famous geologist and the originator of geo-mechanics in China. The rich soil and gentle slope made it a paradise for plants. Therefore in 1934 the site was chosen for a botanical garden. It was the first sub-tropic alpine botanical garden in China.

Lushan Botanic Garden is one of the scientific education bases in China. Cooperation with Baidu Encyclopedia, the managers of Lushan Botanic Garden put up more than 3000 these nameplates for over 600 species plants in the garden for visitors. When the visitors scan the QR code on the nameplate with their mobiles, they can get all information about the plant with linking the related webpage. Scanning the plants nameplates can make people get to know plants more easily and conveniently, which is good way of  scientific education.