Lushan UGGp Established Sister Geopark Cooperation with Wugongshan aUGGp

   Promote Exchange and Cooperation for Sustainable Development - Lushan UGGp Established Sister Geopark Cooperation with Wugongshan aUGGp  

       On April 8, 2023, a five-people-delegation from Wugongshan aUGGp led by Ms.Ni Yanxia, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wugongshan aUGGp and Mount Wugongshan Scenic Area visited Lushan UGGp for communication and exchange in geopark conservation and management, and signed a sister geopark agreement and established cooperation between two geoparks. Mr. Zhang Guohong, Deputy Director of the Lushan UGGp Administration Committee, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Lushan Administration Bureau, and Ms. Ni Yanxia, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wugongshan aUGGp and Scenic Area, jointly participated the signing ceremony.  

       According to the sister geopark agreement signed by two parties, Lushan UGGp and Wugongshan aUGGp have formally established an official cooperation mechanism. Based on the friendship and cooperation formed over the years, two geoparks will further enhance mutural cultural exchange and understanding, make further mutural communication and studying in many areas such as geoheritage conservation and management, brand building, tourism promotion, marketing, science popularization and research, and community development, and will continuously enhance information sharing and  joint tourism publicizing so as to make contribution in the geopark network construction, and promote the sustainable development of geoparks.