Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark participated in the Third International Intensive Course on UNESCO ...

From 3 to 8 December, the manager and staff from Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark participated in the Third International Intensive Course on UNESCO Global Geoparks held in Fangshan UNESCO Global Geopark. GGN senior experts and officials gave lectures on framework, activities, operations and guidelines of GGN, the challenges that Chinese geoparks are facing, Geoparks managers shared their experiences on geopark management and development, and made case study on interpretation systems and geo-museum.

After the training, the participants had a better understanding on GGN and get many useful  knowledge and experience on geopark conservation and management. During the course, Experts answered questions from the geopark managers.

Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark will undergo 2018 revalidation. Participants from Lushan had good interaction with GGN experts on the revalidation and got satisfactory answers. This would be greatly benefit for revalidation of Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark.