Selected papers and monographs of Quaternary glaciations in the Lushan Mountain


1933, Li Siguang, Quaternary glaciations in the reaches of Yangtze River. Bull. Geol. Soc. Of  China, No. 13(1)

1933, Li Siguang, Geology of Lushan Mountain. Lushan Mountain Record

1934, Li Siguang, On glaciation problems in the lower reach of Yangtze River. Bull. Geol. Soc. of  China, No. 15(3)

1934, Barbour, G. B., Physiographic stage of Central China. Bull. Geol. Soc. of China, No. 13

1934, Barbour, G. B., Analysis of Lushan glaciation problem. Bull. Geol. Soc. of China, No. 13

1935, Dechardin, T. and Young, C. C., Cenozoic sequence in Yangtze valley. Bull. Geol. Soc. of  China, No. 14

1942, Li Siguang, Discussion on glaciations in China. Academic Collection, No.1 (1)

1947, Li Siguang, Glaciations of Lushan Mountain. Special monograph of Central Geological Institute.

1950, Sun Dianqing, et al., Distribution of Quaternary glaciers in south China and moraine classification. Geological Review, 15(1-3)

1953, Ren Mei,e, Primary study on topography of Lushan Mountain. Acta Geographica, 19(1)

1957, Sun Dianqing, Summary of Quaternary glaciations of China. Science Press, Beijing

1957, Huang Ruicai, et al., Soil characteristics in Lushan Mountain area. Soil Bulletin, 5(2)

1958, Jing Cairui, Discussion on glacial eroded landforms in Lushan Mountain. Geological Review, 18(3)

1960, Sun Dianqing, et al., Glacial vestiges during the great glacial phase in China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 41(3-4)

1962, Fan Tingxing, et al., Investigation on the Quaternary glaciations in the Lushan Mountain- Poyang Lake. Regional Geology of Jiangxi, 2

1963, Huang Peihua, On glacial vestiges to the south of Yangtze River. Chinese Science Bulletin, 11

1963, Cao Zhaoheng, et al., About the glacial and interglacial phases in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 3

1964, Jing Cairui, Discussion on moraines in Lushan Mountain. A Paper Collection of Quaternary Research Commission

1964, Cao Zhaoheng, et al., Glacial vestiges on the Lushan Mountain and its east slope. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1

1964, Cao Zhaoheng, et al., Glacial landforms in the Lushan Mountain. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1

1964, Kozarski, S, Pleistocene glaciations in the mountains of east China. Geographic Translation Bulletin, 1

1973, Li Yongzhao, et al, Discussion on Quaternary glaciations of China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 1

1975, Li Siguang, Quaternary Glaciations of China. Science Press, Beijing

1977, Sun Dianqing, Quaternary glacial phases of China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2

1979, Zhou Tingrui, Discussion on Quaternary glaciations in east China. The 34th International Congress on Geographpy, Tokyo, Japan

1979, Jing Cairui, On Quaternary glacial traces in Lushan Mountain. J. of Huazhong Normal College, 1

1979, Sun Dianqing, et al., Research and advances on Quaternary glacial geology in China. Developing Geological Sciences.

1980, Yang Huirun, et al., Evolution of Quaternary natural environment in east China. J. of Nanjing  University (natural science), 1

1980, Jing Cairui, et al., New discovery of epigenetic structures of Quaternary glaciations on the northwest slope of Lushan Mountain. Chinese Science Bulletin, 25(9)

1981, Yao Tandong, Discussion on Quaternary glaciation problem by accumulated area ratio method. Glacier and Frozen Earth, 3(4)

1981, Shi Yafeng, Are there Quaternary glaciations in Lushan Mountain? Newsletter of Dialectics of  Nature, 3(4)

1981, Zhang Linyuan, et al., Genetic discussion on the epigenetic structure in Yangjiaoling, Lushan Mountain. Chinese Science Bulletin, 16

1981, Zhang Linyuan, et al., Characteristics and genetics of mixed depositions in Lushan Mountain. Quaternary Research of China, 6(2)

1981, Xie Youyu, et al., Primary discussion on Quaternary sedimentary environment in Jiujiang- Lushan Mountain area. Geographic Collection, No.13

1981, Li Jijun, et al., About Quaternary environmental evolution and geomorphic development in Lushan Mountain. Science in China, B, 8

1981, Zhao Liangzheng, Glacial distribution role of Poyang glacial phase in Jiujiang-Lushan area. In“Quaternary glacial sedimentation and geomorphology of China”

1981, Jing Cairun, On the debates in Quaternary glacial research of Lushan Mountain. In“Quaternary glacial sedimentation and geomorphology of China”

1981, Derbyshire, E. D., Lushan Mountain: proving for glacial hypothesis. In“Quaternary glacial sedimentation and geomorphology of China”

1982, Run Mei,e, et al., Some points on Quaternary glaciations of Lushan Mountain. Newsletter of  Dialectics of Nature, 4(2)

1982, Huang Peihua, Doubted on“Glaciations of Lushan Mountain”, Newsletter of Dialectics of  Nature, 4(2)

1982, Shi Yafeng, Evidence for Quaternary debris flows on the slope of Lushan Mountain. Chinese Science Bulletin, 20

1982a, Zhou Mulin, Are there really Quaternary debris flows in Lushan Mountain? Newsletter of Dialectics of Nature, 4(2)

1982b, Zhou Mulin, Debates on Quaternary glaciations in east China. J. of Huadong Normal College, 4

1982, Ting Menglin, Quaternary geology in Lushan Mountain, Jiujiang. A paper collection of the Meeting on Quaternary Glaciations and Marginal Ices in China

1982, Liu Changmao, Also discussion on Quaternary glaciations in Lushan Mountain. Newsletter of Dialectics of Nature, 4(3)

1982, Fu Yixian, Primary analysis on Quaternary glacial climate in mountains of east China. Science in China, B, 11

1982, Zhao Liangzheng, New views on ancient glacial vestiges in Daxiaochang U-shaped Valley, Lushan Mountain. Newsletter of Li Siguang Association, Hubei, 2

1982, Xu Qin, Evidence for Quaternary climatic shift in east China. J. of Huadong Normal College, 4

1982, Zhou Shangzhe, Primary study on Yejialong section at the southeast slope of Lushan Mountain. Lanzhou Univeristy Press

1982, Yang Dayuan, Research on Pleistocene mountain glaciations in east China. A paper collection of the Meeting on Quaternary Glaciations and Marginal Ices in China

1982, Li Jijun, et al., Discussion on reality of glacial vestiges of Lushan Mountain. A paper collection of the Meeting on Quaternary Glaciations and Marginal Ices in China

1982, Li Zhenzhong, Structural landscapes and geomorphic development. A paper collection of the Meeting on Quaternary Glaciations and Marginal Ices in China

1982, Liu Zechun, Chronological correlation of Lushan moraines and glacial phases based on sedimentary strata. A paper collection of the Meeting on Quaternary Glaciations and Marginal Ices in China

1982, Li Rongquan, Late Quaternary landform type and significance of Lushan Mountain. A paper collection of the Meeting on Quaternary Glaciations and Marginal Ices in China

1982, Zhou Tingru, et al., Discussion on Quaternary glaciations in east China. Paper Collection of 3rd Quaternary Research Meeting.

1983, Peng Hanxing, Genetic discussion on red muddy boulders in Lushan Mountain. Glacier and Frozen Earth, 5(1)

1983, Zhou Mulin, The most important discovery-white muddy boulders. Bulletin of Quaternary  Glaciations and Geology Commission.

1983, Yao Qingyuan, About the Quaternary sediments and glaciers in Lushan Mountain area. Paper Collection of Quaternary Glaciations and Geology

1983, Zhou Shangzhe, About the Quaternary snowline in Lushan Mountain area. J. of Lanzhou University, 19(3)

1983, Ji Guofan, Discussion on glacial vestiges of Lushan Mountain. J. of Wuhan Normal College, 2

1983, Xie Youyu, et al., Problems on ancient glaciers in Lushan Mountain area. Acta Geographica, 38(3)

1983, Geography Department, Nanjing University, Scentific Lushan Mountain. Jiangxi People,s Publishing House, Nanchang

1984, Zheng Benxing, Quaternary strata in Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang-Lushan Mountain area and evidence for Early Pleistocene glaciations. J. Lanzhou University, 4

1984, Li Yongzhao, et al., Study on quartz surface features from the Quaternary moraines in Lushan  Mountain. Newsletter of Li Siguang Association, Hubei, 4

1984, Geological Bureau, Jiangxi province, Regional Geology of Jiangxi. Geological Publishing House, Beijing

1985, Li Rongquan, Late Quaternary landform type and significance of Lushan Mountain

1985, Zheng Benxing, Characteristics of epigenetic structures of glaciations in southeast slope of Lushan Mountain and their significance. J. of Earth Science, 10(4)

1986, Yang Minggui, Paleotectonic pattern and evolutionary features of Jiangxi. Geology of Jiangxi, 1-2

1987, Xu, K., Several problems on tectonics in south China. Geological Science and Technological Information, 6(2)

1988, Ma Changxin, Relationship between the Precambrian crust evolution and minerogenesis in the north Jiangxi. Regional Geology of China, 1

1989, Shi Yafeng, et al., Quaternary Glaciations and Environment in East China. Science Press, Beijing

1992, He Peiyuan, et al., Quaternary Glacial Phases and Environment. Seismic Press, Beijing

1992, Huang Kaiyi, et al., Xingzi Group Complex-primary study on P-T conditions of metamorphism and tectonic setting. Science Press, Beijing

1993, Xiang Xinkui, et al., Features of Presinian metamorphic basement in Lushan Mountain. Geology of Jiangxi, 7(2)

1993, Xiang Xinkui, et al., Features of the metamorphic complex structure and its geological significance in Lushan Mountain. Mineral Resources and Geology, 7(6)

1994, Xiang Xinkui, et al., A primary study on the metamorphic complex structure in Lushan Mountain. J. of Huadong Geological College, 17(1)

1995,  Luo Qingkun, et al., Lushan-Pengcheng extending structure evolution and its control on mineral resources. Geological Science, 30(1)

1995, Yin Guosheng, et al., Extending structure and Xingzi Group Complex in Lushan Mountain area. Geology of Jiangxi, 9(1)

1996, Jin Wenshan, et al., Lower Proterozoic metamorphism of Xingzi Group Complex and petrogeochemical characteristics in Lushan Mountain area of Jiangxi. J. of Rocks and Minerals, 15(1)

1997, Jin Wenshan, et al., Deep Crust Structure and Its Evolution of Huanan Continent. Geological Publishing House, Beijing

1999, Wang Shilin, et al., New finding and primary study on Quaternary glacial vestiges in Lushan Mountain. J. of Huadong Geological College, 22(3)

2001, Sun Yan, et al., Three stages of plate collision and orogenic deformation in the Middle Yangtze area. Science in China, 31(6)

2007, Zhao Zhizhong et al, Quaternary Geology Study on Lushan Geopark,China, Geologica  Publishing House Beijing.

2009, Hu Dong-sheng,et al, A Dynamic Analysis of the Geological Environment and Micro-structural System of the Quaternary Sedimentary Gravels in the Lushan Area of China, Acta Geoscientica Sinica,Vol.30 No.6

2010, Dong Shu-weng,et al, The discovery of Neoproterozoic pillow lava in spilite-ceratophyre of Lushan  area, northern Jiangxi Province, and its geological significance, Geology In China,  Vol.37 No.4

2012, Hu Dong-sheng,et al, Microstructure and Morohology of Quartz from Late Quaternary Sedimentary Rocks in Lushan Mts. China, and its Environment Process, Acta Geologica Sinica, Vol.86 No.6