Lushan Global Geopark Carried out Award Ceremony of 2015 Charming Autumn and Winter in Lushan ...

At the end of April, Lushan Global Geopark Carried out Award Ceremony of 2015 Charming Autumn and Winter in Lushan National Photo Contest and Launching Ceremony of 2016 Lushan Dream and China Love National Photo Contest simultaneously.

In 2015, cooperated with Jiangxi photographers’association, Lushan Global Geopark Adminstrative Committee held Charming Autumn and Winter in Lushan National Photos Contest so as to improve the brand influence as a global geopark and show the beautiful geological landscapes.  Collecting work  began at the end of 2015 and ended in March,2016. The judging panel selected 87 ones from 2158 works after strict, normative,fair and just evaluation, which included 2 golden prize works,4 silver prize works, 8 bronze prize works, honorable prize works and selected prize works.

Meanwhile,the Second Lushan Dream and China Love National Photo Contest began to launch, which will select 100 works(45 natural landscape works and 55 cultural landscape works) from entries.The duration of collecting work is from  March 1st 2016 to March 31st  ,2017. The members from China Photographers Assocation will be free to enter the geopark so as to attract more photography enthusiasts.

The award works exhibition of 2015 Charming Autumn and Winter in Lushan National Contest launched after the ceremonies.