International Mountain Day originated from the Action Plan of Agenda 21 adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Mountains are home to 15% of the world′s population and they provide freshwater for everyday life to half of humanity. They host about half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots and support approximately one-quarter of terrestrial biological diversity. Mountain tourism accounts for about 15% to 20% of global tourism. Sustainable tourism in mountains can contribute to creating additional and alternative livelihood options and promoting poverty alleviation, social inclusion, as well as landscape and biodiversity conservation. It is a way to preserve the natural, cultural and spiritual heritage, to promote local crafts and high value products, and celebrate many traditional practices such as local festivals.
On the occasion of the 19th UN International Mountain day in 2021, Lushan UGGp organized themed events in Lushanchanchang Tea Plantation community on 8 December. The event effectively executed the ecological protection idea of the Chinese Government ( CPC Central Committee ) that " clear water and lush mountains are an invaluable assets to nature " . It also had multiple objectives: to promote the construction of ecological civilization, protect precious earth resources and ecological environment, strike a balance between develop ment and protection, to raise the public awareness of ecological protection, to scientifically develop geoscience tourism, and to p rotect geological relics and natural ecological environment to achieve sustainable socio-economic development. On December 8, 2021, Lushan UGGp entered Lushan chanchang T ea P lantation community to make publicity activities of the I nternational M ountain D ay. Following the United Nations suggested theme for this year’s IMD, "sustainable development of mountain tourism" , t he World Heritage Management Office of Lushan UGGp cohosted a series of popular educational activities with Lushan National Nature Reserve, the Third Geo -survey Company of Jiangxi Geological Bureau and Lushan R eclamation Company .
Lushan UGGp organized a series of special lectures on I nternational M ountain D ay for community residents. Geological experts from the Third Geological Survey Company of Jiangxi Geological Bureau introduced the characteristics, distribution and value of Quaternary glacial relics in Lushan UGGp , as well as geoscience tourism research routes; Experts of Lushan National Nature Reserve introduced knowledge and relevant laws and regulations of natural ecological protection in Lushan; The staff of Lushan World Heritage Management Office introduced the origin and significance of the I nternational M ountain D ay , the geopark management and geo-heritage conservation in Lushan UGGp . B y displaying science exhibition boards, publicity banners, distribut ing materials, and having exchanges and interactions with residents, t he staff of Lushan UGGp also provided information to a wider audience.
With these themed activities held in the local community, Lushan UGGp achieved good results in the education of geo-science and eco-protection . The residents of Geopark community received more knowledge of geological relics, cultural heritage and natural ecology, further improved their awareness of protecting geological resources and natural ecological resources in accordance with laws and regulations, and had a better understanding of the impact of geoscience tourism on their livelihood.
Protect Precious Geo-resources and Eco-environment to Promote Sustainable Mountain ...