Lushan UGGp and Rinjani-Lombok UGGp co-hosted joint events of 2020 International Day of Disaster

  From October 12 to 13, 2020, Lushan UGGp China and Rinjani-Lombok UGGp Indonesia co-hosted the joint events of 2020 International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction. Together with Rinjani-Lombok UGGp, Lushan UGGp designed both online and offline activities. For offline activities on October 12, Lushan UGGp held a Poetry Reading Competition for the primary school students and an English Story Telling Competition for the middle school students. For online activities, both geoparks held webinar sessions together, and discussed various topics on geopark management, conservation, science popularization, sustainable development, and geo-harzard prevention and treatment, and also organized mutual promotion.

Indonesian dignitaries include Governor of NTB’s representative, his vice governor Dr. Hj. Sitti Rohmi Djalillah, Odo R.M Manuhutu, Deputy for Tourism and Creative Economy Coordination of Indonesia, Prof. Ainun Na'im, Ph.D, Secretary General of Ministry of Education & Culture of Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Arief Rahman, Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO, and Prof. SHAHBAZ KHAN Director UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific. Mr. ZHENG Yuan, Coordinator of Chinese Geoparks Network, Mr. SHI Wanli, Director, Ms. XIE Lingchao, deputy director, and geologists of Management Office Lushan UGGp participated the webinar. The winners of Poetry Reading Competition & Story Telling Competition from both countries had been announced in the webinar.

  In the webinar, the promotion video films of two geoparks had been shown repeatedly, which have enhanced the mutual understanding between two geoparks. Many Indonesian participants praised Lushan UGGp for her cleanness and beauty, and expressed their wish to visit Lushan UGGp in the near future.