Geomorphology of the geopark

The Precambrian metamorphic rocks are mainly distributed in the south of  Lushan Global Geopark. The Nanhuan sandstones are mainly in the north of the geopark. The Sinian and Lower Paleozoic neritic clastics and limestones are briefly in the east, west and north slopes of the Lushan Mountain. The Upper Paleozoic limestones are sparsely distributed in the marginal area.

The Neoproterozoic granite gneiss and Mesozoic granite are exposed in the central area of the geopark, and the Mesozoic basic dykes in the southwest end of the geopark.

The major structure in the geopark is the MCC structure, the metamorphic core is composed of the Lower and Middle Proterozoic median- and hypo-metamorphic rocks. The low-angle main décollement fault in the margin of inner metamorphic core is deformed into a bow-like shape. The upper block of the main décollement fault is composed of the Meso-, Neo-Proterozic epi- metamorphic rocks and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, with a series of detachment faults and corresponding superficial folds, plastic folds are locally developed. On the basis of MCC structure, the Lushan block mountain was formed during the Cretaceous to Neogene. The appearance of Lushan Mountain is a fault block mountain, it is an MCC structure in entity.

The geomorphic landforms are very peculiar, they gather the fault-block mountain, glacial erosion and flowing water landforms together.