Lushan Global Geopark Conducted Geosite Interpretation Panel Renewal and Maintenance

One year exposure to the weathering of wind, rain , sun and freezing weather, there were some damages on geosite interpretation panels in Lushan Global Geopark . With the approaching hot season, Lushan Global Geopark conducted renewal and maintenance for these panels, which included repainting, adding geopark WeChat QR code .

Geosite interpretation panel is one of the important geosciences popularization  ways, through which visitors could understand geosites and their evolutionary process . Scanning WeChat QR code with mobile phones, visitors could visit geopark website and get more geosciences information. After renewal and maintenance, the new geosite interpretation panels will provide better visiting experience to the visitor and motivating interest to geosites , hence make promotion to geotourism.

Geosites interpretation panel renewal and maintenance

Before renewal and maintenance(Han Po Lin Knife Edge Ridge)

After renewal and maintenance(Han Po Lin Knife Edge Ridge)

Before renewal and maintenance(San Yi Xiang Firn-basin)

After renewal and maintenance(San Yi Xiang Firn-basin)