World Earth Day in Lushan Global Geopark——Using resources economically and intensively, ...

On April 17, the 47th World Earth Day, Lushan Global Geopark Administrative Committee organized a natural education event entitled The Earth-Our Beautiful Homeland at Fengguizhuangyuan Farmhouse together with Lushan National Nature Reserve, Lushan Botanic Garden, Fengguizhuangyuan Farmhouse and Lexue Out-of-class Learning Club 

It is an interesting event of extraordinary richness and diversity.. The geopark volunteers distributed scientific popularization reading materials, caps, badges, and other geopark souvenirs to every young participants, and changed these kids(about 7-10 years old) into little Earth environmental protection guardians. The children read geological , plant and animal knowledge panels, visited the scientific popularization farm and to improve the understanding of the crops related with daily life, and to know the story of the rocks by touching the special rock samples and reading attached information board. Nearly one hundred primary school students, parents and teachers watched 3D cartoon film Bean Stone Magic Trip in Lushan Geopark made by Lushan Global Geopark. After that, the manager from Lushan geopark also gave a lecture named Walking among Geology, Culture, History, Plants and Animals to them.

The last activity, question-response interaction attracted everybody’s attention. The children raised their little hands and eager to answer questions Through the question and answer, the children had an better understanding of Lushan Global Geopark and had a stronger curiosity to the earth story.

With interaction and cooperation of scientific research departments, communities, schools and out-of-class learning organizations, children touched and appreciated the nature and get a better understanding to geology, plants and animals in the way they like, and had an stronger idea of earth conservation responsibility in their little hearts to be future supporters of sustainable development.