The Interpretation System and Community Participation of World heritage Sites and Global ...

From 26 to 27, October 2013, the Interpretation system and community participation of World Heritage sites and Global Geoparks training project was held in Mt. Lushan Global Geopark, P.R.C. The training project is sponsored by UNESCO Mercedes-Benz project on Conservation and Management of World Heridage Sites in China. More than 30 participants from 10 world heritage sites and global geoparks attended this training. This training was hosted by Ms. Lu Ye, project officer of UNESCO Beijing Office. UNESCO project expert Mr. Peter Odgen was also invited to the training. Dr. Wu NG from Hongkong Global Geopark and Dr. Jutta Weber from German Bergstrasse-Odenwald Global Geopark, Managers and staffs from Taishan Mountain, Sanqingshan Mountain, Lushan Mountain and more than other 10 sites which are both heritage sites and Global Geoaparks participated the training.

Through PPT presentation, group discussion and game participating etc active and inter-active ways, the attendees share the experiences on geopark interpretation system, international cooperation among geoparks, stakeholders and community participation. They also learn from each other’s management and preservation experience. At the same time they also discussed the possibility of solving the problems and conflicts between protection and development.

Dr Jutta Weber is giving a presentation

Dr. Yang  NG is giving a presentation

the training site

the training site

the group photo for the training