Holding the Green in our hands -- Scientific Popularization Activities were carried out in ...

To let the tourists and residents know more about Lushan Global Geopark , Scientific Popularization Activities on the theme of Holding the Green in the hands, Protecting our Earth were carried out in Lushan on August 14th,2015.

Summer holidays is the high season of Lushan. With geopark volunteers’ participation, the activities were carried out fervently.Volunteers placed the panels, delivered the leaflets and presented consulting service of scientific popularization, which attracted many tourists and local residents. Prize quiz based on the panels aroused the interests of participants.

From the scientific popularization activities, the tourist and local community understand more about plants and geosites which enriches Lushan tourism, hence the earth conservation awareness were enhanced.

Delivered the leaflets

Watching the panels

Giving consulting services to the tourists from Poland

Consulting services

Volunteers’explaining the rules of Prize Quiz