World Heritage Cultural Landscape Research Evaluation Meeting was Held in Lushan

On May 24th,2015, UNESCO Lushan World Heritage Cultural Landscape Research Evaluation Meeting was held in Lushan World Heritage Site. The official from the UNESCO Beijing Office,UNESCO world heritage experts, the research team from World Heritage Center of Peking University, Lushan heritage managers participated the meeting.

Lushan National Park, as the first world heritage cultural landscape in China was listed in the UNESCO- Mercedes-Bens Joint program Conservation and Management of World Heritage Sites in China in 2009. During the past five years, Lushan received 33,700 dollars funds from the program, and related technical support. The programme in Lushan refers to World Heritage Cultural Landscape research,the protection and conservation of old villas, waste water treatment, World Heritage Cultural Landscape forum, process-based research on the utilization methods of Lushan cultural landscape, which have all completed.

UNESCO- Lushan World Heritage Cultural Landscape Research, which is a cooperating project between Lushan Scenic and Historic Interst Area Administration Bureau and World Heritage Centre of Peking University, is carried on in Phase I and Phase II. Phase I was completed in 2013.Press conference for The Lushan Statement of Intent was held in December 2013 in Beijing. The Lushan Statement of Intent developed with this research was the first Statement of Intent focusing on the conservation and management of WHCL sites in China and the region since 1992 when Cultural Landscape was formally included in the World Heritage System as well as the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. The Lushan Statement of Intent makes a milestone in more than 40 years for the World Heritage career with more definite goals and sounder methodology, hence marks a new era of the understanding and conservation of cultural landscape worldwide The Lushan evaluation meeting is held for the Phase II of UNESCO- Lushan World Heritage Cultural Landscape Research. Specials, UNESCO official , heritage managers and other participants had discussion and shared their views on the research report: Delimitation of cultural landscape units, Elaboration of Guidelines for Conservation and Management and Formulation of Recommendations for Integrated Diversified Utilizations Methods

The research on UNESCO- Lushan World Heritage Cultural Landscape would enhance the ability of carrying out obligations of Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, promote the understanding, conservation and management of World Heritage Cultural Landscape of Lushan heritage management authority, provide a sustainable development and operation mode for Lushan heritage management , conservation and utilization.