Lushan Global Geopark Brief Introduction

Lushan Global Geopark lies in the north of Jiangxi Province,China,bounded on the north by Yangtze River,the biggest river in China,on the east by the Poyang Lake,the largest fresh water lake in China.The Mountain,the River and the Lake come together to forming a magnificent view.The Geopark covers 548 square kilometers.It was ratified as one of the first group of National Geopark of China in March of 2001.In February of 2004,the UNESCO approved it as one of the first group of Global Geopark Network.Lushan is the first World Heritage named“a World Cultural Landscape”on the World Heritage List in China.

The Main Geological Characteristics of Lushan Geopark:

1.A rare and relatively completed Proterozoic(2500-543 Ma)profile of outcrop developed in Lushan,which well recorded the geological evolution historic character of earth in two billion years in the region.

2.The metamorphic core complex is unique and very special in Lushan.Especially in which the solid rheid folds developed very well in the sedimentary cover and occurred huge in thickness,being unrivalled on the scale.

3.Lushan Quaternaruy Glaciation is a unique example of Quaternary mountain glacial vestiges at the middle–latitude mountain area in the east China,being of remarkable significance in whole globe correlations.Lushan is a foundation site of China Quaternary Glacial Geology.

4.The landforms in Lushan are abundant and unique,being a compound landforms composed of the faulted-block mountain,glacial erosion and flucial erosion landforms.