The myIonite is internaI fauIt rock with fine granuIar, cosubjected to ductile deformation,the mylonite was formed deep in crust,however,it may preserve relicts of brittle deformation.Mylonite’s texture fine granuIar,coarse granular,or heterogranular. lts groundmass’s grain size is smaIler than those of waII rocks.Mylonite supposed to be subiected to intensive schistosity formation,and distributed in a narrow zone of intensive deformation and retrogressive metamorphism.Mica-quartz mylonite zone of Taohuapu is deveIoped aIong the main detachment fault of the metamorphic core complex,with S-C structural fabric ( S side occurrence =106°∠34°, C side occurrence=142°∠28°)