Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark Annual Report 2017


Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark(APGN), was approved as a member of Global Geopark Network in 2004. Last revalidation was passed in 2014.


 Lushan Transportation Ropeway   


Number of Geopark staffs: 1360 staffs including 5 geoscientists

Number of Visitors: 200714 00visitors

Number of Geopark events: 17 times      

On World Earth Day, the geopark held theme activities at popularization base of the geopark in Fengui Garden; cooperated with Lushan Nature Reserve, we held activities themed Bird-loving Week; the geopark held popularization activity named the Garden on the Table 1+1; cooperated with Changbei Airport, we carried out the activities of Tourism Promotionsthe exhibitions about photography and calligraphy and paintings were carried out; on China Tourism Day, the activities of volunteers were carried out;on Chinese traditional holidays,the cultural and sports activities of the communities residents were carried out; we held different activities like students practice, researches, summer camps and so on together with primary schools, middle schools and universities; we organized and took part in tourism promotions in different provinces of China. 

Number school classes realize Geopark educational programmes: 40

Number of Geopark press release:6 articles were released in China Global Geopark Net website1 article was released in GGN newsletter, more than 40 articles in Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark website and Wechat platform.  


Major achievements in 2017

1. Lushan transportation Ropeway begun to operate on July, 28.

2. Lushan Stone Carving was open for free.

3. Promotion and renovation project at the southern entrance gate was completed, which            included eco-parking lots, the road to the geopark, local residents settlement buildings and so on.

4. The promotion and renewal of the south and north mountain roads were completed.

5. Except completing the sightseeing road renovation promotion, a new sightseeing trail with 1.6 km long and 2.4 m to 3 m wide, was built.

6. The Great Tourism traffic transfer was conducted successfully during the hot season like summer holidays and National Day Holidays.


Contribution towards GGN-Networking and Participation


1. Taking part in the 5th Asia-Pacific Geopark Network Symposium and China UNESCO Global Geopark annual conferences.

2. Signing sister geoparks with Zhangjiajie and Shennongjia Global Geoparks

3. Attending the 3rd International Training Course on UNESCO Global Geoparks

4. Responding positively the activities of 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction.

Management: The organization of geopark committee was adjusted . The geopark established the Administration Management Office of Global Geopark ( World Heritage) to promote the management, conservation of the geopark, and monitor and early-warning for disasters.

2. Financial status: The fiscal revenue of the geopark is RMB Yuan 963.5952 million among which RMB Yuan 956.3417million is used in geopark management, conservation and construction.


Strictly abiding by Lushan National Geopark Master Plan 2013-2030, Lushan made geological heritage conservation at different levels and districts. The geological heritage of the geopark has been carefully and soundly conserved, and has remained unaffected by human destruction, and only few geosites influenced by natural weathering and meteorological disaster.

Sustainable tourism (Geotourism):

The geopark has established 5 geo-tour-routes of Wangjiapo, Immortals’s Cave, Hanpo Pass, Three Cascade Waterfall and Shimenjian Valley, has established geotour guiding and interpretating system in geosites, has made regular maintainence and quarterly update for interpretation panels. We have made geological knowledge training for guides, employees and volunteers to promote visibility of geopark and geo-knowledge popularization to the public. We have developed geological tourism souvenirs, and cultural and creative souvenirs.

New Education programmes on geoconservation, sustainable development and disaster risk reduction:

Formulated and issued the emergency plan of climate disasters, geological disasters, forest pest control. During the World Meteorological Day, Disaster Prevention and Relief Week, Scientific Technology Activity Week, the geopark conducted disaster prevention popularization and training to make the public aware of the early warning signals(categories, levels and related suggestions). The geopark undertook the geological disaster emergency survey, and eliminated several geo-disaster potential points under the experts’ proposal of safety precaution. With radar, regional automatic stations, networking data, the geopark conducts all-weather monitor and early-warning for climate-related disasters. The geopark set up emergency supplies reserve, promoted emergency facilities, and organized the ER(emergency response) training regularly.

Strategic Partnership:

The geopark has established science researching and practicing bases in cooperation with research institutes and universities, such as China Institute of Geological Sciences, No. 916 Geological Exploration Team of Geological Exploration of Jiangxi Province, Wuhan University, and the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, promoted natural resource conservation and management in cooperation with Lushan National Nature Reserve and Lushan Botanical Garden under Chinese Academy of Sciences, promoted local tourism in cooperation with China International Travel Service, local tourism enterprises, such as star-rated hotels and restaurants and public institutions.

Promotional activities:

The geopark has made image film Leisure Paradise, Lushan to promote geopark tourism. The geopark made advertisement in Morning News of China Central Television, Tourism Weather Forecast of Jiangxi Satellite Television, Global Times, China Photography, Jiangxi Tourism, railway station advertising, expressway advertising, television, newspaper, periodicals and other traditional media platforms. Promoted tourism marketing, and released news and updated information through WeiBo and WeChat platform. The geopark released special reports, such as National Holiday and Middle Autumn Festival in Lushan, Lushan Ropeway has her startup operation,     Lushan sanitation worker returned money found, and First snowfall in Lushan this year, which had received a page view of 200 million people. The geopark has made several tourism promotion themed with “Leisure Paradise”in the key target markets. The geopark established tourism promotion cooperation between tourism attractions, such as Lushan, Jingdezhen and Wuyuan, and held and participated 10 significant tourism promotion conferences.

4. Contacts:

Manager: Yang Jian

Geologist: Xiong Weiqiang