Lushan UGGp Let Plant Seed Specimens Become New Ambassadors of Science Popularization

    From June to November 2021, Lushan UGGp has been conducting seed specimens collection and regular patrol and protection for 5 months. The newly collected specimens enhanced ecology research and science education with first-handed material material.

A total of 94 pieces wild plant seed specimens were collected, including 46 families, 78 genus, and 94 species.  In particular, 21 endangered plant seeds were collected, such as gingkgo, ( First-Grade State Protection plant), and Camptotheca, podocarpus, sweet fruit trees, (a Second-Grade State Protection plant), and Acer sinopurpurascens Cheng, Eucommia ulmoides, (a Second-Grade Provincial Protection plant). Following a process of collection, registeration, drying, washing and storage, the wild plant seeds were turned into high-quality specimens for science education,  will be new ambassadors of science popularization.