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When the glacier flows over the larger bedrock hillock , which is not covered completely by glacier with its top emerging out ,facing ....
Other than Lushan Administration Bureau area,Xing Zi County and Lushan District and other districts manage area outside core scenic ....
第46个世界地球日,庐山世界地质公园开展“优化环境、从我做起”学习雷锋精神的社区益民环保活动,公园青年志愿者积极响应。 公园青年志愿者身穿印有“庐山青年志愿者”字样的红色马甲,沿街挨家挨户向社区居民发放“绿色环保知识”、“环保行为规范”等资料,宣传绿色环保理念;有的戴着手....
Situated along the major detachment fault zone in fringe of Lushan Metamorphic core compIex,the micaceous quartz mylonite possesses S-C ....