Lushan Global Geopark Won the Geoscience Popularization Team and Individual Award

On 10th May, 2015, the 30 anniversary for Geo-tourism and the 15 anniversary for China Geoparks Conference held at the international conference centre of China University of Geo-science ( Beijing). Lushan Global Geopark won the second place of the Geoscience Popularization Team Award. Ms Zhu Donge, the director of the office in Lushan Global Geopark won the second place of the Geoscience Popularization Individual Award.

This conference was hosted by Geotourism and Geopark Research Branch of China Geo-society, China University of Geoscience, China  Geoscience Academy, which reviewed the development of China geotourism and the construction of China geoparks. The prize-giving ceremony to the team and individual awards on was held on the conference.The promotion of geoscience popularization makes a bridge between geology and tourism, which contributes to Lushan Tourism cause development. Building up a bridge between Geoscience and tourism, Lushan Global Geopark made an active geosciences 
popularization and enhance the development of tousim of the geopark, hence got high evaluation  from experts and judging committee.