Lushan Global Geopark Met Her Sister Geoparks in Mt. Sanqingshan

Since sister geopark relationship was set up in 2013, Lushan Global Geopark had maintained close relations with her sister geoparks-Huangshan Global Geopark and Sanqingshan Global Geopark, and had exchanged visit.

Three geoparks took the opportunity of attending the UNESCO world heritage forum on May 20th and met each other in Mt Sanqingshan.

Lushan Global Geopark, Huangshan Global Geopark and Sanqingshan Global Geopark belong to the same tourism route according to their geographic location. With rich geological and cultural resources , three mountains are global geopark and world heritage site and have their geotourism characteristics and advantages. During this communication, managers of three geoparks shared their experience  and had discussion on long-term cooperation on geotourism. Three geoparks will promote tourism routes for each other and share the experience on mountain scenic area management and conservation.

During the meeting, the manager of Lushan world heritage received special interview from the media on world heritage conservation recent years.