The Lesvos Island UGGp

The Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark, former Lesvos Petrified Forest Geopark, is a founding member of the Geoparks Network that brings visitors to an ancient forest preserved by a massive volcanic eruption 20 million years ago.
Lesvos with an area of 1.636 km2 and 370 km of coastline is the third largest Greek island, and the seventh largest in the Mediterranean. Lesvos is located in the NE Aegean Sea close to the coast of Asia Minor. The island has two major gulfs those of Gera and Kalloni. Its highest mountains are Lepetymnos and Olympus and the largest part of the eastern and central part of the island belongs to Natura 2000 Network.
Lesvos belongs to the Pelagonian geotectonic zone of Greece which represents fragments of the Cimmerian Continent. The geological structure of Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark is composed of the Metamorphic basement, the nappe of the ophiolitic sequence, the Miocene postalpine volcanics, the Neogene marine and lacustrine deposits.

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