Novohrad-Nograd UNESCO Global Geopark is the first geopark of Hungary and Slovakia and a major international success for the regions, which is the first global geopark that spread over borders in the world. It became one of the member of the Global Geopark in 2010.
Wandering in the geopark, you can study the events of 200 million years. This is the land of extinct volcanos. In a small territory, proofs of the volcanic activity are hidden in the silent rocks which is one of the internationally noted speciality of this area. You can discover a several kilometres long dike- network, but you can visit here one of the biggest basalt plateaus in Europe and a scenic sight which is the bent, regular bundles of rock columns that got formed during cooling of andesite and basalt rocks.
Since the appearance of the human species geological shapes powerfully influenced the civilization that was being born in their surroundings. These got more and more entwined with each other in the course of time, since men more and more used and shaped their environment. The border fortress system which was built onto the volcanic conduits in the middle-age is the main characteristic of the landscape, but cave-dwellings and churches hollowed out in the sedimental rock or the memories of mining are interesting examples of the coexistence of humans with environment.
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